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The Orphan The Poet’s New Music Video Has Glorious Guts and a Killer Robot

“We all tell the same lies.
All monsters in disguise.”

When I first heard the lyrics for The Orphan The Poet’s new single “Terrible Things,” I related. We all have flaws, insecurities, embarrassing thoughts, and bad dreams about the things we could do. It’s the sort of song that makes you think, and those are the songs I appreciate the most. The Ohio-based band just released the video to go with “Terrible Things” and it improved the song because there’s an arcade, a malicious robot (which, really, is almost always how robots are) that comes to life, and blood and guts. Some tasty horror genre spoofing with a fantastic tune? Sign me up.

The Orphan The Poet’s vocalist/guitarist David Eselgroth told Nerdist about coming up with the idea of framing the intense lyrics of “Terrible Things” around a killer robot. “The idea for the video actually came to me in the shower. We had been kicking around different ideas for the video treatment, but nothing had jumped out to us yet. I’m not sure if it was the steam clearing my mind or the shampoo burning my eyes , but I suddenly got a vision of a robot on a killing rampage. The idea just kind of snowballed from there,” he said.

The biggest challenge in filming the video? Their bassist Jake Floyd played the robot, and it wasn’t so easy to get him in and out of the suit. Eselgroth joked, “I’m pretty sure there is a video floating around somewhere of me trying to yank the chest piece off Jake while he’s groaning in pain. I’d never made a robot costume before, so not going to lie, there are definitely areas for my design to improve–mainly making it less ‘stabby’ on the inside.”

Need to hear more of The Orphan The Poet? “Terrible Things” is the first release and title track from their brand new EP. It’s available to purchase on their website and on places like iTunes. You can also stream their work on Spotify.

What do you think about “Terrible Things?” Will you be adding The Orphan The Poet to your playlist? Head to the comments and share your thoughts!

Images: Errick Easterday, courtesy of The Orphan The Poet–David Eselgroth (vocals/guitar), Dakota Johnson (guitar), Jake Floyd (bass, sometimes killer robot), and Sam Gordon (drums)

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