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This Track from MR. ROBOT’s Score Will Help You Hack the Planet (Exclusive)

After a three-day weekend, many of us likely staggered into our offices bug-eyed, wrapped in a hooded sweatshirt, and nervously looking around at all of our co-workers. While these are likely the side effect of eating too much BBQ this Memorial Day weekend, they also make for a perfect Elliot Alderson cosplay from Mr. Robot. The thrilling hacker drama, which we named one of the best TV shows of 2015, delivered a tense, paranoid story of international intrigue and cyberwarfare that has us still a little bit scared every time we enter a password or connect to the Internet.

But in brighter news, you can now live every day like you’re in Mr. Robot! No, not by hacking into high-end cybersecurity firms or engaging in corporate espionage; rather by buying the official soundtrack, which debuts via Lakeshore Records on June 3. The soundtrack, featuring original music by composer Mac Quayle, is one of the most essential parts of the show, adding an air of cold, chilling mystery and tension to the twisting narrative. The CD version, out June 24, features collectible compact discs with uncompressed audio for those of you who consider yourselves audiophiles. Both discs includes an 8-page booklet featuring liner notes from composer Mac Quayle and executive producer Sam Esmail, as well as artwork by John Bergin.


To help celebrate the impending release, we have an exclusive track from the album for your listening pleasure. Here is “1.4_2-impenetrable.sd2”:

Of the track, Quayle had this to say:

“Impenetrable is the slogan of data storage facility Steel Mountain. This track was written for the scene where Elliot and his Fsociety crew begin their mission to gain access to the facility. I suppose I could have called it Penetrable.”

The only things that were well and truly penetrated in that episode were that poor bastard Bill’s feelings. The way Elliot thoroughly and completely dismantled that man and curb-stomped any semblance of self-esteem he had left haunt my dreams to the this day.

Mr. Robot Season 2 premieres on July 13, 2016 at 10/9c.

Mr Robot Gag Reel Gif 5

What do you think of this track? What’s your favorite song from Mr. Robot Season 1? Let us know in the comments below.

We spoke to Rami Malek and Christian Slater about the show last year at Comic-Con.

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about Star Wars and the Avengers. Follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).


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