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Nerdist Special Reports

We Played “Nice Guys or Private Dicks” with THE NICE GUYS Cast

If there’s one thing to know about The Nice Guys before you see it, it’s that the raucous conspiracy thriller is full of nice guys and private dicks. Starring Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling as two investigators tasked with finding out the truth behind a mysterious porn star death and a disappeared daughter, the duo push the limits of what’s considered respectable, professional tactics in the most ’70s ways possible. They may be called the “nice guys,” but there’s a wink and a nod in that sentiment—their charm and success at the gambit mired by their own poor life decision-making.

With their particular brand of Holland March and Jackson Healy-isms in mind, we devised an incredibly silly and irreverent game, “Nice Guys or Private Dicks,” so that the fellas could use their specific set of skills for the greater good (and by that we mean: a laugh or two). Thankfully, the film’s stars, as well as co-star Matt Bomer, creator Shane Black, and executive producer Joel Silver were down to clown.

Of course we also had to talk to the fellas about working with the incomparable Shane Black, one of Team Nerdist’s favorite movie-making fellas in the game today. Luckily, there’s no short supply of things to say about Black’s work, to which Bomer, Gosling, and Crowe spoke at length. You can watch that bit below:

Are you going to check out The Nice Guys when it hits theaters on Friday, May 20th? What’s your favorite Shane Black film? Let us know in the comments below!

Image: Warner Bros.

Alicia Lutes is the managing editor of Nerdist and co-host of Fangirling. Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes). 

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