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The Next Big Thing In STAR WARS Bathroom Fixtures: The Sarlacc Toilet

It all started with a poop joke, and in a way that’s kind of where it ended up as well. After one of his buddies said he was off to “toss Boba Fett in the sarlacc”, Robbie Rane was struck with inspiration.

Rane has since created a sticker set that you can put on the inside of your toilet bowl to make it look like a real life Pit of Carkoon. The sticker set comes complete with all the players of the famous pivotal scene where our favorite rebel scum nearly met their doom. This invention is great for those of us who don’t want to just flush our waste into a septic system but would rather see it “find a new definition of pain and suffering as [it is] slowly digested over a… thousand years.”



The sticker set also features items that can be applied to the underside of the upturned lid such as the twin suns of Tatooine and Jabba’s hovering sail barge. What could this mean for the future of Star Wars-themed appliances? Will Rane create a sticker set that lets us doll up our AC units like AT-ATs?


What you’d have to say every time you went #2. (LucasFilm)

Rane is not necessarily intending this to be his next great business venture, but he does say on his website that he printed a few extra sticker sets. Those interested parties can contact Rane directly at [email protected]. Can’t believe that email address was available.

HT: ToiletSarlacc

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  1. Mark says:

    He better be careful, he might get sued by George Lucas.

  2. the d says:

    I think that whoever buys this isn’t really scrubbing toilets on a regular basis.

  3. JetpackBlues says:

    Next one needs to be of the Death Star exhaust port. To, you know, drop a torpedo into….

    Use the Force, Luke.
    Let go, Luke.

  4. Noah Mullette-Gillman says:

    Banta poodoo!

  5. Jah says:

    I feel like there’s a turd grabbing you penis to launch himself out of the Sarlac pit joke in there somewhere.

  6. eilene scott says:

    I always thought Jabba looked like a talking pile of poop anyway!

  7. RLB says:

    I thought it smelled bad . . . on the outside!

  8. BigJ says:

    So I take it this is the Star Wars non-special edition Pit of Sarlac toilet, the one without Audrey 2 in it.

    “Lando I’m going to crap on”. “No wait I thought you were blind”. “It’s okay trust me”.

  9. Neli42 says:

    So…how does it hold up to scrubbing?

  10. Brian says:

    Who installs that?