Lenny Pierce
Science nerd covering everything from astronomy to evolutionary biology. Check out my original series Miracles of Weird in which I document a new bizarre critter every Friday.

Japanese Robot to Aid Medical Training with Virtual Breast Exams

Miracles of Weird: Sacculina

New Study Paints an Ugly Picture for Potential Life on Red Dwarf Planets

New Species of Croc Named After Tolkien’s Balrog

Massive Batch of ‘Fish Lizards’ Found Under Melting Glacier

New Raptor Robot Can Outrun Usain Bolt

Miracles of Weird: The Hoatzin

Did Volcanoes and Glaciers on Mars Create A Habitable Environment?

When a Tornado is a Swarm of Mosquitoes

MIT Game Lab’s ‘A Slower Speed of Light’ Helps You Learn Relativity

Neuroscience of Lee's Punching Power

Your Sky Tonight: Potentially Dazzling Meteor Shower for North America

Miracles of Weird: The Antlion

Were Titanosaurs the Biggest Dinosaurs Ever?

Nature’s Most Disturbing Forms of Predation

A Scientific Death Mission for the VENUS EXPRESS

Jupiter’s Giant Red Spot is Getting Less Giant

Miracles of Weird: Stimpson’s Goby

The Science Behind the ‘Firenadoes’ of San Diego County

The Tiny “Alien” Catfish That’s Still Baffling Scientists

Are Injured Squid Better At Escaping Predators?

3D Printed Cast Wired with Ultrasound Waves Could Mean Faster Fracture Healing

Japanese Fishermen Snag a Super Rare Megamouth Shark