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The New GHOSTBUSTERS Look Ecto-Coolest in Paul Feig’s Latest Set Image

Now these are some Ghostbusters that ain’t messin’ around, y’all. On Friday afternoon, Paul Feig graced all of our Twitter feeds with our first look at the ladies of his reboot in their uniforms in front of ECTO-1, effectively blowing our minds and making us even more excited than may be legally allowable in these here United States.

I mean, just look at them! If I were a ghost I’d be shakin’ in my ghostbooties right about now:

Ultimately this is just further proof of what we’ve been saying all along: we’re going to get the reboot we deserve:

What do you think of the latest image? Are you on our level of excitement (if so, feel free to join us in the underground bunker where our joy and excitement is allowed to roam free. Oh the joys of concrete containment facilities!)? Let us hear it in the comments below.

Alicia Lutes is the Associate Editor of The Nerdist. Find her on the Tweet Machine @alicialutes.

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