Matt Mira comes by to talk to Gil about how the Nerdist podcast got started, the problem with running zombies, and what it was like to see a space shuttle launch into space!
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FEABAG- four eyes, a beard, and gil. make it happen!
Awesome chemistry, you guys. I wish Matt Mira was my dad and Gil was my son. That’s how awesome you guys are together. Of course, I’m older than Matt so it’s a weird fantasy. Katy should be in there too. She’s too young to be my mother, and too nerdy to be my sister. So that only leaves one spot. So if you ever want to sit in a tree, Katy. Anyways, Matt should visit Gil often, like movie reviews.
I liked this one, Gil. And I agree, the Steve Yeun episode was sweet. One of my favorites was when you had Emily and Kumail on. Loved the ribbing you gave Kumail about his new gaming device. Whenever I hear the phrase “Flea Market” I think of that.
Matt Mira on “The Mutant Season”? Sure, that makes sense. If ever the adjective “child-like” were to be applied to one of the Nerdist three, it would be Mira. Jonah Ray, however — not so much. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I just get the sense that Jonah gave up child-like a while ago
Another awesome podcast! Gotta get that Jonah Ray on here! i love the theme song and you should defiantly do up Youtube through the nerdist channel
This is the first Mutant Season episode I’ve listened to, because the Nerdist and YMIW didn’t look to appealing this week.
Gil is a bro. I wish I had a little brother and that he could be Gil.
I can’t hear a computer voice saying “1 2 3 4 5” without thinking of Spaceballs.
This was a good fun podcast! Thanks, Matt and Gil.