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The Mondo Gallery Goes MARVEL

When you walk into the Mondo Gallery in Austin, Texas, you know you’re going to see the best of the best. It was true when Mondo hosted a Disney-inspired art exhibit last month, and it’s still accurate now as they host a collection of Marvel art by Mike Mitchell. He created two series for the show, “Portraits” and “Just Like Us.”

The “Portraits” pieces featuring striking profiles of superheroes and villains within the Marvel universe. He’s managed to capture a touch of their personalities in the images, too. Loki looks regal, and Captain America’s stoicism is creeping through. The “Just Like Us” art showcases a playful take on characters, and all of the images hit an 11 on the scale of cute.

Mitchell says he wanted to to display the human side of the superhuman characters: “My intention with this show was to take those characters out of their action-oriented world and give them a moment of silence to catch their breath. There’s a humanizing quality to that which I find extremely interesting.”

See a sampling of Mitchell’s art below or catch it in person at Mondo Gallery through May 17.

Which piece from the “Mike Mitchell x Marvel x Mondo” collection is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. Squirrel says:

    The Venom one is adorable, but I have to say Storm looks amazing.

  2. Simon says:

    Think Dr.Strange is my favourite, but Venom and Ghostrider made me smile

  3. Raven says:

    Storm is my favorite of the portraits. Rogue and Venom gave me a giggle.

  4. Kitty says:

    I always have been and always will be a Wolverine gal. 🙂