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The Major is Reborn in GHOST IN THE SHELL’s Extended Preview

This coming Friday, Masamune Shirow’s classic manga and anime Ghost in the Shell is getting a new live-action adaptation, with Scarlett Johansson as the Major. And while the previously released clips and trailers have hinted that the Major’s transformation was against her will, a newly released extended preview has revealed her first moments as a cyborg before depicting her in action.

Playstation’s official YouTube page has debuted a nine minute video from Ghost in the Shell that appears to be the opening of the movie. At the start, we witness the Major’s first moments in her cyborg body, as Juliette Binoche’s Dr. Ouélet tells her that her body was injured beyond repair in a terrorist attack. The only thing left of the Major’s real body is her brain, and she’s not exactly thrilled about her new status quo. The film doesn’t waste any time hinting at the darker motives behind her transformation, as we learn that the Major is going to join Section 9 whether she wants to or not.

In the second part of the clip, we jump ahead in time to see the Major fully integrated as a member of Section 9 immediately prior to a brazen attack by cybernetic terrorists and freaky robo-geishas. The futuristic cityscape is particularly striking, and it captures the look of the anime film. The end of this sequence also has a few personal consequences for the Major, as she is sharply reminded that she isn’t human anymore, even though her partner, Batou, insists that she is more than just a robot.

Ghost in the Shell will open this Friday, March 24.

What did you think about this extended clip from the movie? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Image: Paramount Pictures



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