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THE LAST OF US ‘LEFT BEHIND’ Coming On Valentines Day

You might want to go ahead and cancel your Valentine’s Day plans now, because the word is out that The Last Of Us‘ first single-player DLC chapter, Left Behind, is set to hit on that very day. That is, of course, unless your Valentine wants to subject him/herself to a harrowing evening of post apocalyptic terror induced by a mutated cordyceps outbreak. Nothing says “I love you” more than surviving clicker attacks side by side with that special someone, right?

You’ll be able to pick up the DLC for $14.99, unless you’re a season pass holder in which case it will be available to you for free. A brand new trailer for the DLC was released just a couple days ago, introducing the playful dynamic between Ellie and her best friend Riley. Left Behind will explore the relationship between Ellie and Riley and is said to feature a far more easy going and playful version of Ellie than who we saw in the original campaign.

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