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Episode 76: The JV Club
Jane Espenson
The JV Club

The JV Club #76: Jane Espenson

You’ll want to laminate Episode 76 of The JV Club, thanks to the fantastic conversational stylings of Jane Espenson (Once, Buffy The Vampire Slayer), who spins yarns about such matters as historically significant dollhouses, disappointing french horns, and the decidedly unromantic quality of The Kentucky Fried Movie.

What Are Varys' True Motivations in the GAME OF THRONES?

What Are Varys' True Motivations in the GAME OF THRONES?

Fan Art Turns SpongeBob and Patrick Into Horrifying Live-Action Humans

Fan Art Turns SpongeBob and Patrick Into Horrifying Live-Action Humans

RICK AND MORTY Gets a FRIENDS Style Opening Sequence

RICK AND MORTY Gets a FRIENDS Style Opening Sequence



  1. maria perez says:

    I very much enjoyed this podcast & loved all the TV series, movie and literature references. New things to add to my to-do list!Oh Janet!you and your podcast keep me busy,indeed!
    I admire Jane’s work and very much appreciate the power of her imagination and uniqueness.I grew up watching Buffy and I personally think this series influenced me sooo many different ways. I started doing Karate at that time cuz I wanted to be as cool as Sarah Michelle Gellar and Buffy also kinda shaped my teenage percepction of love …I was fascinated by the love triangle between the characters!
    Moreover, I loved the reference to the ‘Neverending story’.I got the book a few days ago and I cant wait to start reading it!I loved Janet’s passion about this book and how she described it. As a child I would watch the film adapatation constantly cuz I was amazed by the greatness of Fantastica and the amazing charactes …also I guess I should add that I had a huge crush on the boy who played Atreyu. I must confess that, for a period of time, I would ask Santa and the Three Wise Men for a luckdragon!Im still waiting for my Falkor!!Saddly ,I would also ask for a brother or a sister…didnt work either!
    Personlly I can relate loads to Jane and I can assure you that it feels great when someone voices their feeling and you feel like yep, I’ve been there or I have felt that way.I really enjoyed her comments on being an only child and spending time by herself and how that ‘solitude’ turned into ‘creativity’ and love for reading.
    Janet, I watched ‘The legend of Korra’ in HD and loved every single second of it!I have never been into animated series but I am glad I’ve been proven wrong!I loved the characters (oh Meelo!!), the music, the structure of the series, hearing your voice ..everything!!I cant wait for Season two!!thanks Janet for broading my cultural horizons!

  2. Alec says:

    The first time I remember the ‘Back of my Hand’ joke was in Fresh Prince, when Will finds out that his fiance’s name is actually Beulah.

    A couple of other things:

    The Nerdist Writer’s Panel did an interview with Bank of Bob guy here:

    Tig Notaro and Maria Bamford are both featured in the current Humble Bundle, where you can choose the price you want to pay, and how your payment is split between the site, the artists and charities.

  3. Scott B. says:

    i loved this talk SO MUCH!! I was also 1 of those kids who got so much out of watching tv, and later I realized it’s not how much tv you watch (but you need to get up and exercise once in a while), but how much you engage in it, how it can stimulate your thinking and creativity, what the stories tell and teach. What’s very funny is, I wanted to be the guy who noticed the girl no one else really sees, but all those girls were more interested in the non-nerdy guys. In the words of Charlie Brown, ‘AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!’

  4. PJ says:

    That “back of my hand” joke I saw the first time on Darkwing Duck, said by Megavolt which I later found out was voiced by Dan Castellaneta, back then already the voice of Homer Simpson… Darkwing was probably the first show in English I could actually understand (most of)…

    And ice-skating to get around, you can actually (partially) do in Ottawa (where I work), on the frozen Rideau Canal during (an ever diminishing part of) winter. It’s the only thing about Ottawa that should be on everyone’s bucket list (I’d say it’s the only reason to visit in fact). Really, there’s nothing like endlessly skating for kilometers (miles for you Yanks…) without going around in circles.

  5. Paul says:

    The whole “sneaking out of her room to see what color suit Dan Fielding was wearing and then recording it on a calendar” is just adorable.

  6. Joseph Young says:

    70-14=56. She TOTALLY read your mind janet. 🙂