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Episode 25: The JV Club
Yvette Nicole Brown
The JV Club

The JV Club #25: Yvette Nicole Brown

Community fans rejoice! JV Club guest Yvette Nicole Brown rounds out the ladies of the beloved NBC series with a gab about bidding farewell to the snowstorms of Ohio, the undeniable genius of The Golden Girls, and the heart-swelling lyrics of DeBarge.

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  1. Nichole says:

    Yvette is so inspiring – she could be a motivational speaker!

  2. This was my first time listening to this podcast and this was great! I love Yvette’s approach to her work and her spiritual grounding. I’m a person of faith as well and I’m beginning my path into my purpose and her words resonate with me. I love that she kept her faith while still pursuing her dreams, especially in Hollywood. Thank you so much for profiling her!

  3. Jeecy says:

    I went browsing through older podcasts for something to listen to today, and stumbled on this one for no particular reason (I actually don’t even watch Community, and didn’t really know who Yvette was before this). Turns out, I may have chosen this one because it’s something that I needed to hear.

    So, this is Jeecy finally starting her “big thing,” and getting ready for 99 no’s.

    Thanks so much Janet and Yvette!!

  4. Dave Castagna says:

    Great session Janet/Yvette! Yvette has a great attitude on life.

  5. Meg says:

    Loved this podcast. I’m no real believer, but I was really happy to hear Yvette talk about destiny. I think that there are certain things in our life that are open to us, that there are signs for… I’m surrounded by people who tell me to be cautious. I appreciate that they’re concerned for me, but sometimes I let the peer pressure get to me and I put off something I know I need to do. So, thanks Yvette for calming my fears! I’m going to listen to those signs from now on. : )

  6. MADINEZ says:

    I’m not spiritual or religious or whatever at all. Like even a little bit. I’ve previously described myself as perhaps the most heathenly of heathens. But yo, I grew up in the church and I was so refreshed to hear something like “vengeance is mine, sayeth the LORD” quoted in the correct context in an off the cuff interview. And really, Yvette’s views on Christianity are something I’d love to hear fleshed out more. She goes to a lot of interesting places without really straying from mainstream Christianity. And peace to the whole DeBarge family. Though as a light skinned Negro who grew up in the 90s, I feel like there was some kind of weird backlash against us that went on that I didn’t fully understand.

  7. Renee says:

    Great episode! Yvette, we sound like we were kindred spirits in high school (except that I was an awkward white girl from Pittsburgh). Everything in this episode was wonderful and uplifting and it was a great conversation. Janet: Keep up the awesome work!

  8. janet says:

    Hello Wonderfuls!
    Thanks for the appreciation- I’m making sure Yvette sees all of it! It’s so hilarious and ironic that one of the only shitty things that’s ever been said on these pages was “Scitt” on this particular podcast episode. The rest of you took the sting out. And Scitt, unfortunately I’m not going to “stfu,” so you should probably take your horrible attitude elsewhere. Big e-hugs to the rest of you!

  9. Stephen says:

    Yvette has an awesome perspective on life. I’m definitely going to keep “it takes 99 no’s to get a yes” in the back of my head.

  10. Kristina says:

    Loved this. I’m not religious, but I’ve always said (and believed) that being mean takes more effort, and since I’m lazy, I’ll just go ahead and be nice to people. No clue where I got that idea, because I don’t think that it’s true (…anymore?), but it’s nice to hear other people think the same way.

    It’s downright upsetting, how much I needed to hear all this today.

  11. Juls says:

    I see that Yvette’s message of spreading positivity online instead of negativity was slightly lost on some people. I suppose that unfortunately you can never escape it completely.

    Another great episode, a perfect one to round off the trifecta! I love that all 3 Community ladies’ episodes were quite different but equally interesting and entertaining. What a great group of women to portray equally interesting characters.

  12. Sheren says:

    I LOVED this episode! I listened to it 3 times now and it’s just so relateable and I leaned and reflected on myself and what I can do in my life for the betterment of myself and those around me. Can’t wait for what’s next!

  13. caroline says:

    (i have also come to adore the weird little squiggle robots for each post)

  14. caroline says:

    what an inspiring chat!! holy crap!! i have come to adore The JV Club and this was just more icing on the cake. Actually, at this point, there’s more icing than cake.

  15. Scitt says:

    Interviewer needs to stfu.

  16. Shane says:

    Yvette is super inspiring. I had to stop and write down what she said again and again. If there are ever repeat guests, her first?

  17. Monia says:

    I wish it were as simple as just being decent in comment sections. But I really think it’s more of a symptom of misogyny and sexism which is still thriving.

    As always, wonderful show, Janet. Look forward to it every week!

  18. Danielle says:

    So much win in this podcast! First off, congrats on completing the Community trifecta. Second, hearing Yvette’s story and seeing her outlook on life was so inspiring. It’s so true that you never know what someone else is going through in life. Sometimes a simple smile can be enough to brighten someone’s day.

  19. Alec says:

    The Cancer Man analogy felt a bit Just World-y for me, but I can’t disagree at all with what Yvette said about loving people and treating them like you’d like them to treat you, and having most other ‘rules’ of the world just flowing into place from there.

  20. Todd Mason says:

    Unprofoundly, I suspect that most of the people posting bloggery (or putting together the likes of PEOPLE, US, the INQUIRER, TMZ, VANITY FAIR, etc….even certain web-magazines and sites with some loftier ambitions and good taste in video hosts) that reaches for the hostile response from others to hairstyles or “bikini bodies” or what have you…have already discovered a vast hole in their lives, or want to exploit others with such a hole, or both…they’re already bitter and often feel they’ve been cheated, or thought they might engage in a little Schadenfreude to help get them through this boring lunch-hour or week.

    And there’s this sort of thing at all levels…a piece by a guy, essentially repurposed to his blog columns at both THE ATLANTIC and PBS, is largely about how all the attention given to the trio of Pussy Riot members robs other Russian dissidents, being treated even worse, of their deserved attention (while allowing the folks speaking out for them to revel in the we’re-all-bohemians-together game)…while the last is true, as far as it goes, the first is utter nonsense (Pussy Rioters having the book thrown at them is an opening precisely for the kind of discussion of the plight of other dissidents he calls for)…but by golly he’s been studying repression in Russia and its neighbors all his adult life, and how dare Madonna Ciccone “interfere” with (or overshadow) his pontificating with her grandstanding?

    Ah, well…another fine interview. It’s your damned podcast, Janet, indeed…we just want to hear it…

  21. Taylor M. says:

    Oooo! This is nice!