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Episode 18: The JV Club
Maria Bamford
The JV Club

The JV Club #18: Maria Bamford

Episode Eighteen of The JV Club defies you to find another podcast that covers ALL of these conversation essentials: stationery hewn from elephant poo; a fear of what we’ll call “Plastic Man arms;” and using blood to secure a first class airplane ticket. These popular topics and much more — with the wonderful Maria Bamford, no less!

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Watch Maria Hill and Melinda May Covertly Meet In A Clip From Tonight’s AGENTS OF…

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Blind Competitor Plays Magic: The Gathering with Ingenious Use of Braille

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NEW MUTANTS May Add Fan Favorite Warlock



  1. Jenna says:

    Thank you so much Janet for telling us about your mental illness. I suffer from the same thing, but I never knew how to describe it. I just thought I was insane and there was no one there to help me through it. Thank you for telling me that I’m not alone anymore. Thank you for making me realize that there is hope for me.

  2. Kristina says:

    Not done with the podcast but I just want to point out that in the movie Mixed Nuts there’s a subplot about a fruit cake that makes the rounds. It smashes someone’s windshield at one point, but I don’t remember what happens to it after that. Someone gives birth on the street (Nora Ephron movie, you guys!) but I’m not sure a fruit cake is involved.

    Also I just sent that as a question/comment to whoever reads them at nerdist via that decoy comment-leaving-device at the bottom of this sucker. I hope they enjoyed that randomness.

  3. Phil says:

    Thank you for this.

    On several of the podcasts, I’ll hear you say “Ooo, we’ve got to get the photo of that”, and it makes me think there is some separate website for the show than this, where you post the photos of terrible fancy dress outfits, or embarrassing haircuts.

    Is there, or do you mean “Send them to me, so I can appreciate the awkwardness of youth all by myself”?

    That would be less good.


  4. Ela says:

    Thank you for this. I wish it was longer! I am a daughter of someone with a mental illness, have had my own anxiety and eating disorders growing up, and I’m currently a comedian as well. It’s nice to know I’m not alone. Please have her back soon, like tomorrow.

  5. You guys, That was an amazing episode. I love the podcast!

    I don’t suffer mental illness myself but you really offered an insight that’ll help with those around me that might.

    Thanks and continue being an absolute treat!

  6. Art Levine says:

    Here’s a corrected version of the previous post:
    Congratulations on a thoughtful, open-hearted show. Here’s how she turned some of these same issues into a “true story” stage performance, about 53 minutes in:
    Also, see her interview in Slate magazine about comedy and mental illness, and this overview article on her career, with plentiful links to her work and citing a presentation on mental illness in the arts at the New School she gave:

  7. Art Levine says:

    Congratulations on a thoughtful, open-hearted show. Here’s how she turned some of these same issues into a “true story” stage performance, about 53 minutes in:
    Also, see her interview in Slate magazine about comedy and mental illness, and this overview article on her article, with plentiful links to her work and citing a presentation on mental illness in the arts at the New School:

  8. Seth says:

    I am a longtime fan of the most excellent Maria Bamford. This episode was terrific. Thank you Janet and Maria for your unflinching honesty. Hats off to both of you for baring your souls with such bravery.

  9. Adam says:

    I really enjoyed this episode I can really relate to some of the things discussed. I hope Maria will be on again soon. Keep up the great work.

  10. Jon says:

    I’d didn’t know Maria was suffering this badly.

    She’s so sweet and funny, I hope she continues to get help if she feels she needs it.

    Kudos for talking about this.

  11. Carolyn says:

    I loved this episode and I loved that you two discussed mental health in such a sensitive and kind way. That story about your dad’s reaction to you telling him about your mental illness was very sweet and very touching. This episode hit close to home since I had some issues of my own in high school but listening to this podcast felt a lot like having a conversation with friends which was very comforting to me. This podcast has honestly been a blessing to listen to.

  12. Alec says:

    Maria’s mom sounds like some weird composite of my mom and my uncle. My uncle is just as picky, but he straight-up tells people to get things that are refundable or that can be easily exchanged. Even though I’m never sure if he’ll like something, there’s almost no pressure, because he knows the pickiness is his own issue, and never gives off a vibe of disappointment. My mom will go out and shop for her own presents and then ask for ‘practical’ gifts like hair clips or clothes-hangers. If we’re lucky, she’ll point out the exact blouse or skirt she wants to my sister, who’ll then chaperone my dad on a shopping trip.

    And while I’ve never had experiences anywhere as traumatic as either Maria or Janet, I’ve felt that stubborn “being seen asking for help is worse than letting this problem fester” attitude, too. It’s a really insidious personality trait.

  13. mq says:

    I’m from duluth too 😮

  14. Anna says:

    Thank you so much! This show made me feel better as someone who’s experienced both the kinds of irrational fears of my own actions, as well as months of depersonalization, and someone who still battles with deep social anxiety and depressive episodes. I’ve never been to a therapist, because I’m also a little afraid of getting locked up or put on suicide watch (I’m not suicidal anymore, but during my episodes of feeling completely outside of myself, I really did consider it a couple of times). I know those fears might be a bit irrational, too…Anyway, I loved both of you ladies so much before this show, but this show has really meant a lot, and I feel an even deeper appreciation for you two now.

  15. Mark says:

    FANTASTIC EPISODE. I don’t have an insightful thing to say but this was breathtaking and sweet and soothing and the best <3

  16. Jenny B. says:

    Janet, I love your podcast. You are smart, real and funny and any listener can tell that you are giving your all in each and every show. Thank you for having Maria Bamford on. She’s a huge fan favorite as you already know. Keep up the great work!!