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Episode 136: The JV Club
Sarah Burns
The JV Club

The JV Club #136: Sarah Burns

If you’ve been worried that there hasn’t been quite enough talk about being a teenage goth lately, worry not! Sarah Burns (Enlightened) brings her A-game with just the right amount of Skinny Puppy and Bauhaus. Plus a brand-new M*A*S*H question submitted by a listener finds much success!

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sarah b teen

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Top 7 Uses of David Bowie Songs in Movies

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How Does CatDog Poop?

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Movie Morsels: Director Duncan Jones Shares Photos of WARCRAFT Sets



  1. Nikki says:

    just wanna add one more thing – shout out of the punk scene growing up! That was me too from like age 12-19 started as a punk kid, has an all girl punk band at age 13-14/15, formed more into gothish geek girl into later high school. I remember in 8th grade I was sent to the principal’s office for having pink streaks in my hair and wearing a Distillers hoodie (because it had to do with alcohol!) haha…oh the skatepark shows…remember those?
    Good times

  2. Nikki says:

    I have a juicer and I used to make juices for breakfast…but then I’d get super hungry as the day went on. It’s also a pain to clean out all the fibrous stuff the juicer spits out. This is why I need a vitamix! But yea, gotta love the juices with ginger! If only I had a personal juicer assistant to employ haha.anyway….I started doing smoothies with almond milk so that I can have something a little more substantial. 
    I was also drawn to San Francisco at the age of 13 and for much of my teen years. At that young age I used to listen to Tony Bennet’s “I left my heart in San francisco” over and over! I don’t know what started my fascination with it, but I just felt this pull. I wanted to go to college there, but being from PA, that wouldn’t have worked financially for post high school graduation me. 
    I went for the first time in 2011 and absolutely fell in love like I knew I would and I felt “at home” there. I went back this past February and again, it felt like going home. Maybe one day I will afford to live there!

  3. PJ says:

    Shaved sides, purple hair (well, usually pink, not the  eyebrows), artsy, gutsy. A reminder that, Janet, you gotta get Comic Book Girl 19 on this podcast. I’m as obsessed about her as you are about the Serial podcast (and I’m not the only one)…