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Episode 24: The Jonah Keri Podcast
Greg Wyshynski and Dave Lozo

The Jonah Keri Podcast #24: Greg Wyshynski and Dave Lozo

Nerdist Sports Crossover! Jonah Keri pucks around with Greg Wyshynski (“Puck Daddy” of Yahoo! Sports and author of Take Your Eye Off the Puck) and Dave Lozo (Vice, Uproxx, The Comeback) about their new Nerdist Sports podcast Puck Soup; Game of Thrones; Jonah’s IMAX connection; TV sports personalities; niche vs. broad appeal; whether the Habs are hampered by the need for French-speaking coaches like Michel Therrien; racial stereotypes in Punch Out and pro wrestling; and Greg and Dave’s complementary Life Tips.

Follow @jonahkeri on Twitter!

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