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The Jackie and Laurie Show #32: Reintroduce Yourself to Your Hand
Episode 32: The Jackie and Laurie Show #32: Reintroduce Yourself to Your Hand
The Jackie and Laurie Show

The Jackie and Laurie Show #32: Reintroduce Yourself to Your Hand

This week Jackie and Laurie are still in New York City! They chat about roast battle jokes, the Viper Room Lady, and how it is ALWAYS the audiences fault.

Comic of the Week: Cory Kahaney @corycajones

Follow @jackiekashian and @anylaurie16 on Twitter!

Follow the show! @JackieandLaurie

Remembering Richard Jeni

Remembering Richard Jeni

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.
