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Your Next Dream Car: A Real-Life Halo 4 Warthog

Not sure why we didn’t see this when the L.A. Times slipped it out there on Christmas eve — holiday haze, I’d say — but Microsoft commissioned a real-life, working, life-sized Halo 4 Warthog for 343Industries, and here it is:


The thing was built by the Aria Group on a Hummer H1 chassis, which you might have guessed, and is 8 feet high, 17 feet long, and… here are more shots:



The Times’ David Undercoffer has more details on the project and the vehicle itself; go read it. They say it’ll be displayed at Comic-Con and E3, so you might just get a close-up look at it before too long. All the pictures are at this gallery.

Imagine seeing this thing coming up behind you on the 405 Freeway. Imagine driving it. Yeah, imagine….

It’s not the first Warthog to become reality, though. You might remember this from a few years ago, built for the abortive Halo movie:

HT: The far more attentive folks at Little English Halo Blog, and pics are from the L.A. Times

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Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)



  1. Jhon-177 says:

    Aw man I really want to get one of these babies I’m 12 and I know how to drive cars.

  2. Adam says:

    I would love to have one of these…I wish it would have done a full demonstration about the turning of the tires looks like they all turned but I’m not entirely sure

  3. Master chief says:

    I want one now, how much will be the cost? Doesnt matter , i want one!!!!!!!!! Really!!!!!! I need one, or at least i want one!!!!!!

  4. Drezzix says:

    Shut up and take my money!

  5. Brandon Selman says:

    The halo3 warthog would be better, because of its smaller size if I could choose tje halo4 or 3 warthog,3 would be my choice

  6. guy says:

    i love halo 4 /1234567891234567891234567891234567891234567891234567891234567891234567891227579675677596797986758678578567567856745657687568756886856756856577546754657654654645645677657865756756756756565654654665656576775675469565765677567594695677968586975846795789795769545697697546495745784576754674576767746746757675765767765767675767567576756754697467547657467547654674576746745647645654674576749677667476457674674567443574957497957457439579575957857935797535735734575347594375947593457435349579573457349757347575934759347594357435757435435057905759378595739595743957349759359

  7. bryant says:

    im actually in production of my own warthog. based off a 3d model of the halo reach version, and being built to normal human scale

  8. Sterling f. says:

    Can you make me one too?

  9. Victor says:

    How much would you sell it for cause I would really like one and if not can you make me one.

  10. Ollie Evans says:

    If somebody wanted to buy one how much would it cost???

  11. Fate says:

    Hell ya we want wart hogs!

  12. Dragon Lord says:

    Take my money, I want a warthog.

  13. Ben H. says:

    I prefer the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ van.

  14. Taylor M. says:

    I find it interesting that they made this one to Master Chief’s scale, whereas the one created by Weta was made for standard human size. Makes you wonder if the UNSC has Spartan sized ‘Hogs as well.