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Add STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS to the 1978 Holiday Special, Get This

San Francisco-based graphic artist Nick Acosta—who’s penned some seriously cool space-related concept art and designs—has just combined something glorious with something infamous. Namely, the epic score from the recently released Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer with random segments of the Star Wars Holiday Special from 1978. In the trailer for The Holiday Awakens, Acosta has spliced together one painfully awkward and cartoonish scene from the Star Wars Holiday Special after another, totaling just over two minutes of sacrilegious sci-fi sadness.

For those who haven’t had the chance to feel the great disturbance in the force that is the Star Wars Holiday Special, it centers around Chewbacca and Han Solo’s daring visit to Chewy’s homeworld, Kashyyyk, for “Life Day.” On Kashyyyk, viewers are introduced to Chewy’s family, which includes his father Itchy, his wife Malla, and his son… wait for it… wait for it… Lumpy! From then on things only become more and more bonkers.

It should be noted that while Acosta believes that the Star Wars Holiday Special should be considered official Star Wars canon because all of the actors reprised their roles, George Lucas himself hated it as much as Luke hates Vader when he first tells Luke that he’s his father. In fact, Lucas is reported to have said of the special that, “If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every copy of that show and smash it,” and “The Holiday Special does not represent my vision of Star Wars.”

You can check out Acosta’s trailer for The Holiday Awakens below:

And if you’re really a glutton for punishment, you can subject yourself to the original 1978 Holiday Special in its entirety here. And then salve your wounded Star Wars pride with our breakdown of The Force Awakens trailer below.

What do you think about Acosta’s trailer, or the original Star Wars Holiday Special? Does it make you want to get up and sing like Leia, or reconsider the meaning of existence? Let us know in the comments below!

Image Credit: PJ McQuade

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