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Jar Jar Finally Makes Us Laugh in THE FORCE AWAKENS Trailer Parody

Sometimes people argue that Jar Jar Binks gets a bad rap, that Jar Jar was a great character for kids and that you too would have loved him when you were young. These people are wrong; Jar Jar is terrible and he makes every scene he is in nearly unwatchable in The Phantom Menace (more unwatchable I mean).

That’s why he actually makes for a fantastic source of ironic humor. Jar Jar was created to be sincere comic relief, but he only brings anger. Rather than let anger lead us to the Dark Side, he is best utilized as a source of irony that brings light to otherwise serious things, like the latest trailer for The Force Awakens.

I don’t want to spoil anything, but this thing is excellent as just a bizarro-world reality where Jar Jar dominates the galaxy in all ways, but then it gets very meta and it becomes truly amazing.

This is actually the second “The Binks Awakens” trailer from YouTube user murdockmotion. Back in April we got the “teaser” version, which is also really funny. That first shot, of Jar Jar mindlessly wandering the Jakku desert, is not only a great visual, it’s kind of how I imagine the rest of Jar Jar’s life working out after he helped bring Palpatine to power.

The power of this final, official Star Wars trailer has inspired some fantastic fan versions that are only furthering our excitement for the film, but we have two months of room to appreciate less serious ones like this as well.

I mean, how often have you ever been glad to see Jar Jar period, let alone laughed at him?

What’s the best clip in these “The Binks Awakens” trailers? Tell us in the comments below, and don’t miss our Star Wars-centric episode of Nerdist News: WTFridays!

Image: Lucasfilm/YouTube

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