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The Future is Meow! A Bakery in Japan Makes Cat-Shaped Bread

The Future is Meow! A Bakery in Japan Makes Cat-Shaped Bread

There’s just no limit to the wonderfully weird pieces of cuisine that Japan comes up with. They’ve made cream puff desserts into drinks, put Kit Kats on sushi, turned meat into cakes, and even made it possible to bathe in maple syrup! And their latest foray in overtaking internet searches and Twitter trends might be their cutest yet. Yes, we’re talking about cat bread.
Wait, scratch that. Not that sort of cat bread, this sort of cat bread.
According to a recent post on RocketNews, a Japanese bakery will soon be supplying cat-shaped slices of bread resulting in all sorts of glee to gluttonous gluten lovers. The Blue Jean Cafe will be selling packs of five slices of the cat-shaped bread for 350 yen (about $3.13) from their location inside the Osaka’s Hankyu Hotel.


Even though we recognize this sort of thing is a total gimmick for a bakery opening up, we still can’t help but enjoy it. And knowing the world’s interest in cute, cat-shaped things it’s only a matter of time before–dare we say it–copy cat bakers start to create their own feline breads! What’s surprising about all this is how the Hankyu Hotel actually has a notice on their website for people planning on visiting specifically to get the bread.CatBreadNotice001

We’d totally know what the deal is if only we could read Japanese.

What are your thoughts on the cat bread? Have food and internet finally become one? Can anyone translate that flyer for us? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Images: Giphy, Fashion Press, PR Times, Hankyu Hotel

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