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THE FLASH Comes to Life in Incredible VR Timelapse Painting

Just as quickly as entirely new mediums are created, artists rush to learn how they can master them so they may express themselves within the form, with both precision and speed. The blistering pace at which a good artists can rapidly make a new art form his or her own is so remarkable it’s wonder any the rest of us can even keep up with their blinding mastery.

Why are all of these “fast” puns coming at you at such break-neck speed? Well, considering that virtual reality is really only in the early stages of becoming a common place technology, it’s hard not to be impressed at the level of skill already on display from this artist with his VR painting of The Flash.

This time-lapse video comes from the new Twitch channel Hyper RPG, and this is the work of Zac Eubank. Here we get to see him bring The Flash to life, one virtual stroke at a time. This was made using the HTC Vive and Tilt Brush by Google.

At first it looks like the finger painting of a two-year-old, but it isn’t long before you can see The Flash begin to emerge from the shadows in full sprint. By the end of the video, if feels as though the rest of the Justice League is about to enter the room with you. In some ways this feels more like sculpting than painting, but instead of the artist releasing the piece from captivity, it is literally crafting it into existence from nothing.

While most people have yet to even try any of the new VR systems, some people are already making beautiful and highly skilled virtual art with it. Much like The Flash, technology moves oh so quickly.

What are your first impressions of virtual art? Tell us for real in the comments below.

Images: Hyper RPG/YouTube

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