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Disney Animator Brings Characters to Life in VR with Tilt Brush

The behind-the-scenes videos and photos that emerge from animation studios often contain image after image of artists hunched over drafting tables, flipping pages of drawings back and forth as they bring the characters that I grew up loving to life on paper. After watching the video below, something tells me that photos of cartoonists at tables may soon be a thing of the past. Take a look and enjoy Glen Keane‘s experience with the Tilt Brush and virtual reality.

There’s something (Dare I say it?) magical about watching Keane work and seeing The Beast and Ariel appear both on paper in the early shots and then in gorgeous 3D slashes of color on the virtual reality fields later in the interview.

According to Engadget, Tilt Brush is, in the most simple terms, an app that allows you to draw with light strokes in 3-D. It was recently purchased by Google, so I highly doubt that this will be the last we see of the incredible things that it can do. It even allows for easy GIF making of the creations you make so that you can share them with your friends. Even though I don’t have really any artistic ability (or really technological know-how aside from knowing to turn it off and on again before I flip out about something), I want one. I want one right now because I want to draw all the things with light!

But let’s be real: This is a tool that will really do best in the hands of artists like Keane. There is also something unusually beautiful about watching such a talented animator dance with his creations the way that he dances through his drawings here. Downright inspirational even.


What kind of things would you draw if you had a Tilt Brush and all the equipment of your very own? Tell me in the comments below!

HT & GIFs: Polygon



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