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THE FLASH Cast Talks How “the Wedding of the Century” Will Turn Out

Five years on and four shows since DC Comics and The CW launched their small screen universe with Arrow, the franchise continues to reshape what people expect from superhero television. One of the cornerstones of the Arrowverse is its inter-show crossovers, the latest of which is fast approaching in the form of Barry Allen and Iris West’s long-awaited wedding. Though this season’s big event takes place on what should be the happiest day of the Flash’s life, we must remember that this is a comic book wedding, so things won’t exactly go according to plan. During our trip to The Flash’s Vancouver set earlier this year, we sat down with the cast to talk nuptials, wedding dresses, and the upcoming “Crisis on Earth-X.”

At center stage of this year’s crossover are Barry and Iris. For the actress who brings her to life, Candice Patton, it’s a hugely exciting prospect. “It’s a really important moment in DC history,” Patton said. “It’s cool that our nuptials are part of the crossover, and a big part of the crossover. It’s a spectacle for sure.” Throughout the show’s four seasons, the pair have been through a lot and Patton thinks it’s about time that they finally settle down. “It’s been a long time coming. They’ve had other partners, relationships, trials, and tribulations. I think season four is a good time for them to make it all happen. The wedding of the century, essentially.”

For the other half of Central City’s happy couple, Grant Gustin, it’s all about the spectacle. “It’s bigger than ever,” he said. “There’s more people than ever included [and] some of the biggest sequences you’ll see with the most superheroes we’ve ever seen together at any given time. Barry and Kara have a few interactions that are fun, classic Barry-and-Kara interactions.”

Jesse L. Martin, who plays Iris’ father Joe West, was likewise blown away by the scale of “Crisis on Earth-X.” “I can tell you that it’s a giant, giant, giant wedding,” he said. “Everybody from every show is at the heart of this wedding, so it seems to be the biggest wedding of the century.” One of the highlights for the seasoned actor was getting to work with some of the Arrowverse’s other supers, in particular a certain Kryptonian. “I’m a huge fan of Melissa, Supergirl,” he continued. “I think she’s just one of the best people ever. I love being around her. I really do. The Supergirl cast in general, they’re all wonderful people.”

Fan favorite Cisco will of course be returning, and Carlos Valdes gave us some insight into how he perceives Team Flash’s tech genius. “Maybe it’s audacious of me to say, but I’ve always felt that Cisco is a sort of window for the primary demographic of this show,” Valdes said. “When they see Cisco interacting with these heroes, it’s almost like they’re interacting with these heroes. It carries with it a lot of responsibility, but all I have to do is stay true to the character and just tackle it like so. This year’s crossover is no exception. I try to bring that degree of relatability and almost ‘fourth-walledness’ to the interactions.”

This season has seen the continuation of a huge character arc for Caitlin/Killer Frost, and that’s opened up a whole world of opportunity for the actress who brings her to life, Danielle Panabaker. “Obviously, last year I had my powers sort of, but didn’t cross over to as many of the other shows—[I] really just went to Legends,” she said. “This year was nice because I finally got the chance to suit up, as it were, and get out there and fight with everyone. Both Caitlin and Killer Frost do get to interact a little bit more with a lot of different characters in our universe. I have some really funny interactions with Dom, with his character. Heat Wave’s really into Killer Frost.”

Getting married during a full blown alien invasion can be tough. But for Candice Patton, it meant she got to find the perfect wedding dress for kicking intergalactic butt. “We flew to L.A. and I tried on dresses at Monique Lhuillier,” Patton said. “And the first dress I tried on we were like, ‘Okay, this is it. This is great. Feels good. Comfortable.’ The most important thing was like, ‘Am I comfortable? Am I going to be able to, like, run away from aliens or whatever?’ It was pretty neat.”

Will the big day work out for Barry and Iris? Well, Candice’s lips are sealed. But she did leave us with this little tease: “I think that you can expect on any DC TV show that weddings don’t usually go as planned. You’ve got some villains who come in and try to spoil that. You’ve got aliens from Earth-X. You’ll have to wait and see if they can actually get married at some point!”

“Crisis on Earth-X” begins on Supergirl and Arrow on Monday, November 27, and concludes with The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow on Tuesday, November 28. Will you be tuning in for the big day? Can’t wait to see some evil versions of your favorite heroes? Just wanna see Cisco in a suit? Let us know in the comments!

Images: The CW

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