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THE FLASH Brings Speedster Jesse Quick Back to Earth-1 (Exclusive Video)

Look out Barry Allen, because there is yet another speedster coming to The Flash!

After going back in time—for the second time just this season alone, but who’s counting?—Grant Gustin’s Barry tried to set everything back to normal after creating “Flashpoint.” That meant Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) is no longer Kid Flash and is just back to being a regular guy, and Barry is the only speedster besides the real Jay Garrick (John Wesley Shipp) running around in Central City. Until now, that is.

Nerdist has your exclusive first look at tonight’s all-new episode of The Flash, “Magenta,” in which Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) and his daughter Jesse (Violett Beane) create a breach to travel from Earth-2 to return to Earth-1 to get help from Barry and the rest of the STAR Labs team. Why risk the return trip now? Because it turns out that Jesse Wells has finally lived up to her DC Comics destiny and become the speedster Jesse Quick. It’s about time!

At first, though, Barry, Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), Joe (Jesse L. Martin), Iris (Candice Patton), and Wally had no idea why a breach to Earth-2 just suddenly opened up in the middle of STAR Labs… and you’ve got to love Cisco’s attitude when he’s asked if he could just close the breach. But Harry orchestrated the breach to return to Earth-1 so he could get Barry’s help in dealing with Jesse’s new powers, since they just showed up a couple of days ago.

Of course, Jesse thinks her new speedster status is pretty cool, just like anyone else would think, but her dad has some different opinions on the matter. He reveals while that she’s been saving people on their Earth, he’s been extremely concerned about her safety, and now wants the STAR Labs team to talk her out of using her powers. And it also seems as if Wally is harboring a different view than Jesse and Iris and everyone else. Is he jealous that he didn’t also get speedster powers from the dark matter that hit both of them when Harry got Barry his speed back in season two? Probably, considering the way his face fell when Harry told him dark matter could possibly have no effect on him whatsoever, unlike it did with Jesse.

So now we’ve got a jealous non-speedster stuck in STAR Labs with a newborn speedster whose father wants to run tests on her to see just how much the dark matter affected her and to convince her to not use her new powers … everything is bound to blow up in everyone’s faces, right? Also, raise your hand if you can’t wait to see this new “speed lab” Caitlin was talking about that Harry and Barry had no idea existed? Is this another change from Flashpoint?

And tonight’s episode, “Magenta,” also introduces the titular Magenta (guest star Joey King), a new metahuman who can control metal, as she begins her reign of terror on Central City. Sounds like Barry is going to have his hands full, as per usual.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.

Featured Image: The CW

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