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The Collection: Hulk Smash GTA IV, Shakespeare Does Star Wars

Collection200x200Working during a holiday week is always weird. Either you’re on half-speed or there are a zillion things that HAVETOGETDONERIGHTNOW before you go off to whatever it is you plan to do for your day(s) off. This week, of course, contains three major holidays: Monday was Canada Day for our friends in that fine nation, Thursday is Independence Day right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A, and Friday’s my birthday, celebrated worldwide. Okay, two major holidays. Anyway, there’s news and stuff, but everyone, at least here, is in vacation-brain mode, so let’s just dip into The Collection for a couple of little items that won’t tax us too much while visions of fireworks, barbecues, and sleeping in dance in our heads….

A Grand Theft Auto IV mod with the Incredible Hulk jumping onto flying hellicopters and lifting and dropping cars and trucks and smashing a squad car with a light pole and being all Hulkish and thunderclappy? Why, yes, here. Because more mindless destruction is what you want.

And here’s a promo video for the new book William Shakespeare’s Star Wars, and you need no further explanation, do you? You can buy it here:

I’d make a clever Shakespearian Star Wars gag here to wrap it up, but my brain’s already on holiday.

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Exclusive Interview: SUITS Creator/Showrunner Aaron Korsh

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Exclusive: Watch ‘Eskimo Brothers’, THE LEAGUE’S Jon Lajoie’s…

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  1. DukeMcFrenzy says:

    See if you can find the Ultimate Hulk game for xbox (maybe ps2). Perfect sandbox Hulk game. Everything you can do in that GTA4 mod and more. My favorite was tearing a car in half and gloves to smash stuff even better.