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The Avengers Tweeted Up a Storm During Their Press Junket Tour

The press junket for Avengers: Age of Ultron kicked off at Walt Disney World Studios this weekend in Los Angeles as part of the Marvel super groups’ worldwide press tour. To the delight of fans everywhere, the films stars weren’t just merely in attendance answering questions from press and bloggers. The actors were tweeting and instagramming up a storm across social media, too. We did a little bit of internet stalking ourselves and rounded up highlights of the day as seen through the eyes of Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, and Mark Ruffalo. From foreboding Civil War jokes to hangs with Scar Jo, Earth’s mightiest heroes looked to be having a blast yesterday.

Avengers, assembleee!

Avengers Ultron Press Junket, Chris Hemsworth

Joss Whedon was joking around with Daredevil’s Executive Producer Steven DeKnight:

Avengers Junket Joss Whedon Tweet


While Jeremy Renner learned that indeed “mommy bloggers” do exist:

Mark Ruffalo shared photos with the head honcho of Avengers 1 and 2, Joss Whedon, along with Black Widow herself, Scarlett Johansson:

Hello From the Avengers Age Of Ultron press Junket. My Pal Scar J.

A photo posted by Mark Ruffalo (@markruffalo) on

Avengers AOU press Junket. With the Maestro @JossWhedon

A photo posted by Mark Ruffalo (@markruffalo) on

Chris Hemsworth gathered a few of his BFFs to show their best blue steel:

But the real winner on social media was Robert Downey Jr., who tweeted his heart out all day with a few gems:

Nothing could have beaten RDJ’s jokes poking fun at the eventual rivalries that will take place in Captain America 3: Civil War, though:

Well done, Tony Stark. Well done.

What are you doing for opening night of Avengers: Age of Ultron? What are you most excited for? Drops us thoughts in the comments below!

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