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Paul Bettany’s AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Character Poster is a ‘Vision’

There are lots and lots of characters in Avengers: Age of Ultron. There were lots and lots of characters in the first film, too, but we didn’t really need to be introduced to them, since they’d all pretty much had their own films, or at least been showcased in other people’s films. Here, though, we’ve got several who’ve never been seen before, and instead of moving them to the forefront, Marvel’s been hanging on to them like a kid clutches a freshly caught frog. (Sidebar: how’s my simile game today?) The movie comes out now in less than a month and our first real looks at Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch hadn’t arrived until fairly recently, and there’s still one Avenger from whom we’ve literally only seen a blink.

Paul Bettany, who has been voicing supercomputer JARVIS since 2008’s Iron Man, has been made to put on a big suit and reddish-purple makeup to portray The Vision, a highly-advanced robot who will probably be under Ultron’s control for at least part of the film. In one brief moment from the last trailer, we finally got a glimpse of the character, but now he has a poster all his own. His colors are slightly different from the comic, but I think Bettany nailed the attitude, and he even has a cape!


Last year, I got the opportunity to visit the set of Avengers: Age of Ultron in London where I witnessed Bettany’s Vision and Chris Hemsworth’s Thor (and their stunt doubles) having a fight scene in the Avengers Tower. It’s gonna be a rip-snorter for sure. But, I wonder why so little of the Vision has been shown in the movie’s promotional material thus far? Is it simply to keep the mystery alive or is there something else? As it is, there seems like there’s about a billion different storylines going on in this movie, and if anyone can make sense of it all, it’s probably Joss Whedon, who has earned my trust implicitly at this point.

For more info on The Vision, here’s an interview with Paul Bettany from SDCC last year and Robert Downey Jr. talking about many things, the Vision included.

What do you think of the look of The Vision? Are you as curious as we are about why he’s not been in many ads? Talk about it below!

[HT: Marvel]

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