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The Animated Adventures Of Heisenberg and Pink Man

When one thinks of the phrase “The Dynamic Duo” it is usually quite obvious who it is they are talking about; Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. Ok, maybe that isn’t exactly true, but you must admit the two Breaking Bad protagonists have a bond that could rival that of Batman and Robin. In fact, if the two pairs happened to swap shows, Walt and Jesse would probably handle the switch far better than Bruce and Dick.

Our friends over at CineFix, who have given us the fantastic 8-Bit Cinema series, have given us a chance to see what an animated Breaking Bad would look like, especially in the campy-vein of Batman ’66. The video is not brand new, released for the final season of Breaking Bad, but with the popularity and acclaim being seen by Better Call Saul, it is still quite fun to return to Heisenberg’s Albuquerque. While their rouge’s gallery may not be as iconic as that of Batman, it is fantastic seeing young Jesse slowly start to realize that the closest thing to The Joker in the room is actually Walt.

walt-joker-resize-04032015[Image: Matt Delhauer]

Letting Jesse’s girlfriend die by asphyxiation (one of the best worst onomatopoeia cards that Batman sadly never included), forcing him to kill a mostly-innocent man, and killing a dangerous rival by using an old man as a bomb are all quite terrible things, but animated Walt is able to take each in stride and give us a nice quip each time.

Hopefully we’ll get to see some great parody and homage videos involving Better Call Saul in the coming years. What did you think of the video? Let us know in the comment below!

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