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See Layers of THE 100 in Beautiful Paper Fan Art

See Layers of THE 100 in Beautiful Paper Fan Art

The submissions I receive for Fan Art Friday continually surprise me. Sometimes I get whimsical digital creations, sometimes someone sends art made from seeds, and sometimes paper art comes into my inbox. The latter is the medium for this week’s gallery. Dylan Holt creates layered paper art portraits depicting characters from The 100. The way Dylan uses colors and careful paper placement to give the finished pieces life and personality.


Clarke and Lexa

The way the pieces come together kind of remind me of topographic maps. That anyone can invest the time into coming up with the design and cutting each piece of paper is remarkable to me.


The Commander

More of Dylan’s intricate paper creations are in the gallery below. Go visit, you’ll like it. You’ll find other images inspired by The 100, like Anya, a rainbow paper design for Lexa, Clarke as Wanheda, and Raven. Warning: you might experience a severe case of emotions while looking at this art; The 100-related things have that kind of effect. You can keep tabs on all of Dylan’s creations by following along on Twitter and/or Tumblr.

Do you create any sort of fan art? If so, I want to see it. Whether you focus on a specific fandom or pull inspiration from multiple stories and mediums, I’d like to highlight what you do. If you’re interested in being featured in a future edition of Fan Art Friday, get in touch with me at [email protected] with examples of your work. If you’re not an artist, feel free to email me with recommendations for Fan Art Friday!

Images: Dylan Holt


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