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Was the Soul Stone Theory Confirmed by Thanos’ “River of Blood”?

Avengers: Infinity War has been out for a few months, but there’s still no shortage of theories about the film’s climax. However, now that Infinity War is out on Blu-ray, more information about “the Snappening” has come to light. Half of the universe was literally dusted by Thanos and the power of the Infinity Stones, but it was originally a lot bloodier than anyone expected. Today’s Nerdist News is examining the latest Infinity War revelations to see if it confirms our Soul Stone theory!

Join host and protector of the undusted, Jessica Chobot, as she walks us through the comments that visual effects artist Dan Deleeuw made in a recent interview with ScreenRant. Specifically, Deleeuw referred to Thanos’ visit to Soul World, where he waded through orange water to reunite with Gamora. Originally, that water was going to be a “river of blood, intended to represent the blood of [Thanos’] victims.”

That would have certainly put a different spin on Thanos’ reunion with Gamora’s soul, if that really was Gamora at the end. We kind of doubt it was meant to imply that the river of blood was literally the blood of Thanos’ countless victims from across the cosmos. However, nothing is impossible when the Infinity Gauntlet is in play.

Deleeuw was vague about why the change was made, and said only that it “got a bit dark.” Perhaps he’s right. If moviegoers were getting emotional over their dusted heroes, then it could have been even more upsetting to see their blood on display. Plus, the orange water does seems to be a better fit with Soul World’s aesthetic. Still, we have to wonder if the original intent implies that Thanos’ victims are all in Soul World alongside Gamora. But it may take another snap of the Infinity Gauntlet to figure this one out.

What do you think about the original “river of blood” in Soul World? Share your theories in the comment section below!

Images: Marvel Studios

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