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Team Nerdist

TEAM NERDIST: Malik Makes an Alien Friend

It takes a real mature person to admit when they need help, and an even bigger person to ask for help. Even when that help comes in the form of an alien. Like an actual, living, breathing, super-green and not-of-this-planet alien. (Hey: it’s 2015 — it’s time to accept that times, they are a-changin’.) But lucky for all of us, Malik Forté is a kind and embracing soul, willing to learn from someone so different from himself.

Unfortunately—or not? You’ll have to watch and see!—the rest of the team isn’t so gung-ho to let Malik’s new pal just galavant about and make the Nerdist offices its home. Which is exactly the problem at the heart of this week’s Team Nerdist. Join Jessica Chobot, Dan Casey, Malik Forte, Kyle “It’s not aliens!” Hill, and their new, intergalactic friend as they embark on understanding just what each other is all about. Be it scientific, monetary, or gastronomic gain: everyone’s got an angle. And to think, this all started because Malik wanted to learn how to ride a bike.

What would you do with an alien if you found it? Do you think, when our planet is eventually visited by beings from another species, they’ll be nice and helpful, or confused and bite-y? Do you think Dan Casey’s really tasted human flesh (ew)? Let us know your thoughts and theories in the comments and keep them eye-globes peeled and right here for more Team Nerdist shenanigans — right here on Nerdist!

Also: it’s totally aliens.

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

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