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Take Residence at Adult Swim’s UBERMANSION This Sunday

Let’s face it – you can never have too much Bryan Cranston in your life. Fortunately for us, the folks over at Adult Swim agree with us and are letting the Meth Maestro try his hand at superheroics in the new pilot Ubermansion, an animated series from Stoopid Buddy Stoodios’ Zeb Wells and Matthew Senreich (Robot Chicken).

The pilot, which won KFC and Adult Swim’s Pilots contest that let users vote on what new shows they wanted to see, gives us a glimpse into the day-to-day drudgery of six superheroes living in the same lavish estate. C’mon, like you never wondered what goes on in the Avengers mansion in between Secret Wars and battles for the Infinity Gauntlet? Like you’ve never wondered what kind of superpowers Bryan Cranston would have? If you said, “No,” then you may want to stop, drop, and roll, because your pants are quite literally on fire, you liar. In any event, Ubermansion airs this Sunday at 12:30 am on Adult Swim and we have some advance stills for you to take a peek at in the meantime.











From the Stoopid Buddy website:

“From the creative team behind Robot Chicken comes Ubermansion, created by Zeb Wells and Matthew Senreich, and executive produced by Seth Green, John Harvatine IV, Eric Towner and Bryan Cranston.  Starring Bryan Cranston, the show is a glimpse into the mundane humanity of six superheroes all living in the same mansion.  Bryan Cranston and superheroes — you heard correctly.”

So, go ahead and make it a Double Cranston Sunday and wash away the inevitable crushing sense of finality that Breaking Bad will leave in the pit of your stomach with the hopeful beginnings of Ubermansion. In the meantime, you can also check out the Stoopid Buddy team’s web series Friendship All-Stars on L Studio to get your fix of oddball animated humor.

What do you think of Ubermansion? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. harold says:

    Why isn’t this show on yet? What the @#$%

  2. jenea says:

    Yes I would love to know what goes on after a big day of crime fighting. I’m so happy to see Claymation live on. May the force be with us.

  3. LIsa says:

    Loved it! Want more now!

  4. miked says:

    its better Than Aqua Teen Hunger Forcewhich is boring so this new one is really really funny love it

  5. Pfirsisch says:

    Uebermansion so ROCKS!! Loving it. Can’t wait for more. Hope it sticks!

  6. Drakeo says:

    I saw the pilot and it was very enjoyable,I do hope it gets picked up,it reminds me of Titan Maximum..

    I liked it more than Mr Pickles

  7. Alexander says:

    Absolutely hilarious. This NEEDS to be an ongoing series!!

  8. Darken says:

    I think I saw Scout for TF2 in the Tralier

  9. Ted says:

    The pilot rules. I want to see more episodes LIKE NOW.