
The Rock Explains the Differences Between Monster and Disaster Movies

How Arcade Fave RAMPAGE Became a Movie

PADDINGTON 2 is a Religious Experience (Review)

PORK PIE is New Zealand's Latest Can't Miss Comedy

AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Brings The Hulkbusting Pain in First TV Spot

This FROZEN Parody of BREAKING BAD Perfectly Encapsulates Jesse and Walt’s…

13 Campy Horror Movie Songs To Add To Your Halloween Playlist

14 Year Old Girl Writes/Directs Her Own Slasher Movie

SEPTIC MAN Star Jason David Brown Talks Production Design and Cult Horror

Review: INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS is the Coen Brothers at Their Most Melancholic

It’ll Be Back! A TERMINATOR Series In Conjunction with Film Reboot

AFI Fest Review: IN BLOOM

Schlock & Awe: LIFEFORCE

Bret Easton Ellis Talks “The Canyons” and the Death of Hollywood

Review: Whedon Does William Justice in “Much Ado About Nothing”

Review: “Epic” — 3D Visuals, 2D Script

Hi-Yo Silver! It’s a New “The Lone Ranger” Trailer!

Ray Harryhausen Documentary, Movies Airing On Sony Movie Channel in April

Jimmy Kimmel’s “Movie: The Movie: 2V”

2012’s Movies, Trial-Sized

Review: “Rise of the Guardians” is Our Holiday Hero

Doctor Who TV Movie to Air in 2013

Insert Coin to Start with “Wreck-It Ralph” Director Rich Moore

Help Diani & Devine Get A Theatrical Release For “The Selling”