
Shea Fontana Talks DC SUPER HERO GIRLS

Can You Really Cut Bullets in Half?

Watch How a Katana Sword Becomes “Invisible”

Rocket-Powered Katana Slices Flying Drone

Lisa Yee Talks Teen Superheroes in the DC SUPER HERO GIRLS Books

Why You Should Be Watching DC SUPER HERO GIRLS

New DC COMICS BOMBSHELLS Merch Debuts at Toy Fair 2017

Watch a Red-Hot Katana Bend When Submerged in Water

Recreating a 400-Year-Old Chinese Sword is Complicated as Hell

Embrace Your Inner Psycho with These SUICIDE SQUAD Jackets

SUICIDE SQUAD Funko Pop!, Dorbz, Vinyl Idols and Vixens Are Coming

The SUICIDE SQUAD Goes Artsy in New Character Posters

Watch Katanas Slice Through Stuff in Slow-Motion

Katana Master Slices 100 MPH Fastball Out of the Air

Comics Relief: Deadshot & Katana to Receive SUICIDE SQUAD Spin-off

METAL MEN, POISON IVY, SWAMP THING, and More DC Miniseries Coming in 2016

We Would not Want to Fight this Katana-Wielding Samurai Robot

TV-Cap: STAR WARS REBELS Season 2 Premiere Date, Katana Suits Up in ARROW Promo, &…

Watch This Mesmerizing Katana Fight Between Two Robots