Because Science

Why You Don't Want Super Strength

How Dangerous is a Vibranium Meteor?

What is on Poison Ivy's Lips?

How Does Black Panther's Suit Work?

The Science of Going Super Saiyan

The Science of Darth Vader vs. Xenomorphs

BECAUSE SCIENCE with Kyle Hill Gets Its Own Channel

How Does Black Bolt Shatter Mountains?

Can Wolverine Get Mega Swole Bro?

The Physics of THE LAST JEDI's Best Scene

Can Magneto Really Rip Your Blood Out?

How Deadly is The Joker's "Magic Trick"?

Why Do Stormtroopers Wear Armor?

Death by Lightsaber is Worse than You Think

How to Build an X-Wing

The Best Place to Stab a Zombie

How to Block Bullets Like Wonder Woman

10 Little Nerd Moments To Be Thankful For

Tryptophan is Not Your Food Coma Culprit

Superman’s Time Reversal Technique Would Ruin Everything

What Happens If You Break Thor's Hammer?

STRANGER THINGS' Eleven is Stronger Than Jedi

The Physics of Cap's Bouncing Shield