adam savage

Adam Savage Helped Build an Amazing BLADE RUNNER Replica Blimp

Adam Savage's Magical Totoro SDCC Meet-Up

Adam Savage Built a 1,000-Shot Nerf Gun

Adam Savage Returns to the World of MYTHBUSTERS

Adam Savage Recreated BLADE RUNNER 2049’s Binoculars

Witness the Creation of Adam Savage’s Chewbacca Mask

Adam Savage Geeks Out Over STAR WARS Furniture

Adam Savage is a Kid Again Touring an Amazing Jim Henson Museum Exhibit

Enjoy a Feast of ALIEN Facehugger Chicken

Adam Savage Finally Goes Incognito at a Comic Con

Adam Savage Interviews Sci-Fi Royalty in New Podcast

Adam Savage Explores the Magic of Making Vinyl With Jack White

Adam Savage Shows Makes The Perfect EXCALIBUR Replica

Adam Savage and John Hodgman Go Incognito as Chewbacca Duo

Adam Savage Went Incognito as EXCALIBUR's King Arthur at Comic-Con

Adam Savage and Tested Crew Build the Epic LEGO Saturn V Rocket

Adam Savage Was Ridiculously Happy on the Set of ALIEN: COVENANT

These Realistic REN AND STIMPY Masks Are Cartoonishly Horrifying

Adam Savage Calls Major's Skeleton from GHOST IN THE SHELL a 'Masterpiece'

Adam Savage Examines GHOST IN THE SHELL's Iconic Thermoptic Suit

Adam Savage's Behind the Scenes Look at GHOST IN THE SHELL

Adam Savage Shows Us How to Make Chewbacca's Bandolier

Adam Savage's Modified Nerf Rifle is the Best Secret Santa Gift