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T-Shirt Time

Do you know the internet is a great place to buy T-shirts? So do I! I’ve spent a good chunk of my free time looking at shirts lately. Normally, I’m not much for novelty shirts. I’m more of a plain shirt or plaid guy. I like to blend in with walls or couches from the ’70’s. Yet, for some reason, my brain wanted my eyes to see what the world offered. The world has some great T-shirts, everybody.

In the spirit of back to school, I present you with awesome T-shirts. I highly encourage you to speak up for your favorite shirts that cannot speak for themselves, and share it with us. I’m sure I’ve missed plenty of doozies.

I want. Gimme.

I’m ashamed I knew nothing about Glennz Tees before a couple days ago. I’ve seen some of his shirts on Threadless, but I had no idea he had his own site. This shirt is a 10, on a scale of 9 to 10. (This week’s Hoarder’s anyone? Anyone catch that?) I want it wrapped around my lazily built torso now! It’s also printed on American Apparel tee’s. I think those are comfy.

Thank goodness everyone is familiar with group theory.

Most of the shirts at Cafe Press are painfully dull, to be honest. Shirts you’d find at lame coffee shops that shouldn’t sell clothing. Snarky comments with an agenda to take on the man or take advantage of a piece of pop culture. These are the kinds of shirts I think will replace shirts with kittens and birdhouses on them. The ones moms buy at craft stores and Amish towns. However, there are always diamonds in the rough. Granted I have an affinity for the universal language, so this is a little niche, but these math shirts are dope, yo! This may not be funny, but I love the diagram on this shirt. All my group theory fans, raise the roof!

Induction? More like Fun-duction.

There is also a great induction theory shirt for the ladies! Buy this to laugh by yourself since most people won’t get it. Search through Cafe Press. There are more great ones sprinkled around in the giga-zillion to choose from.

Lately, a friend of mine has gotten me hooked on saying, “Do a barrel roll!” in my best Peppy voice. Now I must have this shirt from Shark Robot.

I'll also take this on the back of a leather jacket, please.

Also from Shark Robot, this Sonic shirt. It’s Sonic head, but if you look real close, it’s built of tiny Sonic’s running about. It’s like a metaphor for life. You know? Like atoms or DNA and stuff.

My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE of the shirts I stumbled upon can be found at Error Wear. Unfortunately, their site wouldn’t allow me to get good, clear pictures of their shirts. They make shirts out of the error screens from PC, Mac, etc. My personal must-haves are the Windows 95/98 blue screen of death and the Pac Man kill screen. If someone from Error Wear sees this, YOU MUST MAKE THE DONKEY KONG KILL SCREEN! I’ve watched The King of Kong too many times to not have it.

Did I miss a great shirt or an entire site all together? Share it!

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  1. Marc says:

    For the best selection of t-shirt designs you should check out 1st quality t-shirts at . You can find most anything there plus they do custom shirts.

  2. Lucy says:

    I’ve been eyeballing this one for a long time and I finally decided to get it. I think it’s my second favorite only to Communist Party from Threadless. Check it out:

  3. Chris, I see you use wtf alot.I wrote a song called wtfbaby.Are you interested in hearing it? I ,also own a clothing company called wtfwware. Can i send you a hat or shirt?

  4. jason says:

    loved the coulton podcast, made you some nerd swag. if you do a design zoom of the product the code seems to work.

  5. Nexus says:

    Cool review and fresh blog!
    Hello from Italy.

  6. moxiemuchness says:’ s store has some great stuff. T-shirts, watches, catapult spoons. That last one is my personal favorite! Nothing like chucking peas straight across a conference table.

  7. SpockShock says:

    If you’re interested there may be a donkey kong kill screen coming up…

  8. smartbunny says:

  9. Manventory says:

    I like the Jinx line as well ( They’ve got some cool stuff.

  10. Matthew Burnside says:

    Now I wish I had way more money. Gold medals for everybody!!!

  11. Robert Bond says:

    Since you asked, I just actually launched a new shirt site. We try to crowd source ideas; we then print them ourselves. Here’s my current fav.:

  12. Brylan says:

    Just found this shirt last night. While watching my Firefly DVDs. Geek-out!

  13. Geoff says:

    Everybody knows about it, but has some good stuff. I just got their Octorawk shirt and I love it.

  14. One the coolest resources for locating t-shirts all over the web: “…141,756 t-shirts and counting.” It’s a t-shirt search engine!

  15. Matthew Burnside says:

    Nothing really interests me there right now. I forgot to mention them though. It is a good site. Go there. Thanks, Jenn.

  16. Jenn Zuko says:

    What about Think Geek??