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This year’s television development season has been about one thing: adaptations. Whether it be Minority Report or Hitch, it seems when it comes to the big four (five counting The CW), all anyone wants this year are name properties. However, the latest property to join the pack  has us intrigued, if for no other reason than the who behind the script in question. According to The Hollywood Reporter, NBC has given a script commitment plus penalty for an adaptation of the 2000 time-travel-esque father/son mystery thriller, Frequency. But, the best part? It’s coming from current Supernatural showrunner, Jeremy Carver.

The plot synopsis of the series, according to the outlet, is as follows: “NBC’s Frequency is described as a character-driven drama in which an NYPD detective connects with his son, 30 years in the future. The two must work together to change the history of tragic events to come, while also getting the chance to heal their complicated relationship.” This essentially puts a reversal twist on the Dennis Quaid film – the writer of which, Toby Emmerich, will serve as executive producer on the new series – that saw Quaid as a firefighter that connects with his detective son in the future.

While we’re all for a new show from anyone who was, is or will ever be attached to one of our favorite CW show, it’s unclear at this time what will happen to Carver’s position in the writers room should Frequency go to series. It’s not uncommon for writer/producers to take on more than one showrunner position these days, but we have no doubt Frequency’s going to be a show with a heavy mythology that’ll require some world building, and that’s going to leave Carver stretched thin, especially when he’s already attached to re-develop a spin-off for the famed monster based procedural later this year.

Do you want to see an adaptation of Frequency on NBC? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. From the moment I saw this movie when it came out, I thought it would be a great TV show, so I for one look forward to it.

  2. Elle Russo says:

    This doesn’t mean Carver is leaving SPN, fwiw. He was showrunner of SPN and Being Human at the same time, and he’s been very successful with Supernatural since he’s taken the lead (and the ratings have steadily increased, which is what the WB and CW cares about). This article makes it seem like he’s just penning the pilot for now – he’s not leaving Supernatural. I’d be sorely disappointed if he did, because he’s done great things with the show.

  3. Bobby says:

    Please god yes, Carver, go do something else, and get off of Supernatural. You’ve done enough to ruin the show already.

    • Elle Russo says:

      If by “ruin” you mean make it more successful than it’s been in years..

      Carver’s done an amazing job with SPN and will continue to do so. He ran SPN and Being Human at the same time, so this doesn’t mean he’s leaving. He’s on through season 10, and if they do an 11th or beyond, I’m sure he’d stay on for that, too.

  4. Luanne says:

    I looooove Frequency!  Please don’t fuck this up, NBC…

  5. Nick says:

    Frequency is one of my favorite movies. I’ll be watching if it turns into a show

  6. JLC says:

    If it’s anything as good as the movie was, I say go for it.

  7. KB says:

    this show sounds good. let’s see what Carver does with this show