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SUPERNATURAL Recap: Let’s Get Back to the Darkness Problem

Warning: This post contains spoilers for the Supernatural episode “Hell’s Angels.” If you haven’t watched it yet, hop into the Impala and drive away.

Amara was smited in the midseason finale of Supernatural, and we haven’t seen her since. On one hand, it’s reassuring that something actually managed to cause her injury. We needed to know it was possible to hurt her. It took a ton of angels to have an effect but still, it was something. On the other hand, she’s been out of the game for so long I forgot what Rowena was healing her from. I had a moment where I thought I missed an episode. But no, “Hell’s Angel” gave us some insight into how Amara was affected from that fight and put Dean, Sam, and Crowley in a position to give Casifer a boost and stop her. Whew.

It was perhaps a lot to tackle after so long away from the Darkness timeline, but for as much that happened in the episode, the story dragged a little. Crowley kicked the story off by giving up a soul he had a contract for in exchange for the Horn of Joshua. Since it was touched by God, it’s one of the few weapons capable of working on Amara. He planned to get it to the Winchesters in exchange for them getting Lucifer out of Castiel and back into his cage. The best laid plans…

The Winchesters were divided on Crowley’s offer. Sam agreed with what Crowley wanted to do, but Dean wanted to put Lucifer in another vessel and then give him the horn to stop Amara. Sam was logical and pointed out that Castiel made a rather strong vessel for Lucifer, and that maybe they should leave the combo alone until the Darkness problem was resolved. Sam’s usually the more emotional, sentimental of the brothers, so I liked him taking the logical route with Dean advocating for Cas. I mean, Dean does have the occasional soft spot when it comes to people he loves, so it wasn’t surprising to see him want Cas out of Lucifer. But in this case, I agree with Sam.

Crowley and the brothers spent a substantial amount of time arguing about what to do and who had the most leverage without really getting anywhere. No one wanted to compromise. Funny as Crowley was, it got repetitive. But then, Amara, healed thanks to the loving and self-serving care given by Rowena, decided to flex her strength. Do you know how you start to gently put weight back on your leg after you’ve stubbed your toe? She did the equivalent of that but with, you know, her Darkness powers. She literally shook up heaven and her action had a visible effect on the sky.

I know Supernatural is about the Winchesters and their job, but when we see a problem this massive, it would be cool to see the world react once in a while. What Amara did to the atmosphere looked more severe than a brewing storm. Everyone had to take notice, right? Maybe cutting to a crowd looking up or a newscast would be filler taking away from the story… but maybe not.

Anyway. Rowena realized the error of trying to side with the Darkness. (Anytime Rowena looks scared, you know it’s bad news.) She switched sides again and worked with Crowley and the Winchesters to trap Casifer so Dean could try to lure him out. Alas, it didn’t work. Misha Collins is ripping it up as Lucifer inhabiting Castiel’s meat suit, so while I know it’s terrible to feel this way, I’m not in a hurry for him to be exorcised. I don’t want to not have lines like, “He who hesitates disintegrates,” on the show anymore.

Castiel wasn’t ready to give up vessel duty. Lucifer’s grip proved to be strong. I have mad respect for Crowley joining the party in Castiel’s head to try to talk sense into him, and that was a creative and trippy way to show what it’s like on the inside. I found Castiel taking refuge in a replica of the Winchesters’ kitchen rather adorable.

As it stood, Amara might have taken care of the Lucifer problem. She kidnapped Casifer after he tried to use the Horn of Joshua on her without any effect. I could practically see the disappointment and confusion wash over everyone watching. I don’t think it’s all about the weapon. Like Dean pointed it out, maybe it was the wielder of the weapon? They’re going to have a hard time testing the theory since weapons and wielders chosen by god aren’t exactly searchable on Craigslist. It’s hard to see a way out except for God swooping in.

Amara’s hoping for a God appearance, and she’s using Lucifer as bait. I’m curious about the talk she’ll have with her brother and whether she’ll explain her vision for the world more fully. We still don’t know if her renovation plan is explicitly terrible. Hmm. Is this it? Will we finally see God? Will we learn what God’s been up to for the past how many years? I hope this one pays off.

Random observations:

  • I have mixed thoughts about Rowena. If anyone could pull off resurrection it’s her, but it takes away from the whole death thing having impact.
  • I adore when the whole team is back together, even if Castiel wasn’t quite himself.

Were you surprised Lucifer failed in making Amara bat an eyelash? I want to hear your opinion on their battle and the rest of the episode. Leave a note in the comments.

Images: The CW

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