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Nerdist Special Reports

SUPERGIRL Star Mehcad Brooks Answers All of Your Questions

While Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice may have unceremoniously murdered the cinematic universe’s version of Jimmy Olsen, actor Mehcad Brooks’ James Olsen is alive and thriving on CBS’ Supergirl series. With just two episodes left in the season, our minds are racing with questions over what will happen with Kara Zor-El, James Olsen, and the rest of National City. After all, when we last left Kara and the gang, James had joined what seemed to be pretty much everyone else in National City, marching down the street in a trance-like state. With Non behind it all, Kara is going to have her work cut out for her in these final two episodes.

The CBS superhero saga returns this evening from a brief hiatus following the “Worlds Finest” crossover with The Flash for the penultimate episode, entitled “Myriad.” In advance of tonight’s episode, we caught up with Brooks to ask him all of your burning questions, which we collected from the Nerdist Twitter feed. And I have to give it up — you guys asked some really great questions. I would give good money to see Mehcad Brooks do a Calista Flockhart impression.

Supergirl airs Monday nights on CBS at 8/7c.

What would you like to see happen in the Supergirl season finale? Who should Earth-2 Jimmy Olsen’s alter ego be? Let us know in the comments below or tell us on Twitter.

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about the Avengers and Star Wars. You can follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious) to ask him all about his Earth-2 alter ego.

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