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SUPERGIRL Recap: Welcome to Earth

SUPERGIRL Recap: Welcome to Earth

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Supergirl. Proceed with caution if you haven’t watched yet!

Clark Kent/Superman might be gone, but don’t worry—Kara got up to plenty on this week’s episode of Supergirl. In “Welcome to Earth,” she met the President (played by Wonder Woman herself, Lynda Carter), wrote her first report, and dealt with the mysterious alien that had fallen to earth during the season two premiere. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get right to it.


After waking up, the mysterious alien that crash-landed a few episodes back ran amok in the DEO headquarters. It didn’t take long for him to get away from the group and escape the facility. While trying to locate him, the President stopped by for a visit to sign an alien-specific law into effect. The doc in question grants aliens the same rights humans have. It’s unclear whether the President has ulterior motives (though she does seem to be an alien of some kind, herself), but it’s clear that not everyone is in favor.

A prime example of someone unhappy with the plan: Lex Luthor’s adoptive sister Lena. Kara learned as much when she was tasked with interviewing the anti-alien woman under direction of her new boss Snapper Carr. Speaking of good old Snapper, he’s still not a fan of Kara. When she showed up for her first real day on the job (for some reason thinking that she was going to interview the President of the United States), Snapper assigned Kara the interview with Lena.

As one would expect, Lena isn’t a big fan of the alien race. When Kara showed up to interview her, Lena presented a device that is capable of detecting aliens. With the new ordinance going into effect, Lena made a plan to sell the device under the L Corp name to stores and other people that she claimed have a right to know who among them is an alien. With the device in hand, Lena almost discovered Kara’s otherworldliness, but was thwarted by a malfunction (good work, Kara).


Thanks to the controversial question at hand, the President has a target on her back. Both during her arrival and speech later on, an alien equipped with flames threatened the President’s life. At first, Supergirl assumed the fiery blur had something to do with her new pod-crashing buddy, but that wasn’t the case.

After meeting Detective Maggie Sawyer, Alex was invited to a secret bar chock full of alien outcasts. On her way out, she spotted a red-headed girl with a devilish expression. That girl wound up being the baddie who was responsible for taking the flaming shots at the President. When they found her again, she had Maggie tied up. As she saw it, the pro-alien law is just a means of identifying and tracking aliens. It took all three of the girls (Maggie, Alex and Kara) to take the redhead out.

After learning about the fire alien, Kara apologized to Mon-El (The Vampire Diaries‘ Chris Wood) for blaming and judging him. Though their encounter started with Mon-El trying to choke her, the episode ended with a handshake and mutual understanding; despite their planets being enemies, both have lost their homes. It will definitely be interesting to watch whatever relationship they foster from here on out.

The biggest surprise of the night came at the end when J’onn went to investigate the alien bar Maggie had taken Alex to. As soon as he stepped in, he took on his natural green form and walked up to the bar. When the waitress decided to take off, Hank followed and asked her who she was. The reveal? Miss Martian, the last daughter of Mars has arrived.

What did you think of this episode? Are you excited to see more of Miss Martian? Let us know in the comments!

Images: The CW

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