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Supercut of Every JAMES BOND Gadget

After a sharp suit and a decent martini, the many gadgets of the James Bond universe are almost as iconic as 007’s misogyny. It’s hard to imagine a Bond film without some sort of futuristic spy gear. The practicality and realism is all over the map, but Bond’s clever lasers, radios, and guns remain a staple of the films.

Youtube’s Burger Fiction – who you may remember showed us the many improbable weapons of film – brings us a supercut of every gadget we’ve ever seen in the 007 universe. Q Branch has never disappointed us with what spy gadgetry they can create.

Burger Fiction’s video is edited chronologically, so it’s interesting to see how the stakes were raised with the gadgets over the years in terms of implausibility. Some of Sean Connery’s first gadgets were mere hidden compartments. As the movies continued, we somehow ended up with Pierce Brosnan in an invisible car. With the more recent, grittier Bonds, filmmakers have at least tried to tone down the gadgetry and root them in reality. But we don’t believe Daniel Craig’s cellphone in Quantum of Solace even for a moment. We don’t care how good Q Branch is, there’s no way it’d take such high quality pictures — for facial-recognition no less — in a dark theater. No way, no how!

What are your favorite Bond gadgets? Did Burger Fiction miss any? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Gizmodo

Image: United Artists

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