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Supercut: MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Had More Close-Ups Than a Spaghetti Western

Of the 9.25 billion things to love about George Miller’s Mad Max: Fury Road is that, after more than two months since its release, we’re still talking about it, and people are finding more and more awesome things about which to talk. It’s like there hasn’t been an action movie that was actually made with care and forethought in the last 30 years for how much cinema snobs and scholars are analyzing it. And, you know what? Largely there hasn’t been. There has rarely been a movie of any genre that does so much with seemingly so little and makes what is essentially a movie where a woman turns left when she isn’t supposed to one of the best movies of the year.

And now we have a new video to talk about. Editor and Vimeo user Jorge Luengo Ruiz has done a masterful supercut of all the many, many times in the movie where Miller and his Director of Photography John Seale used a long push-in to a close-up, or a pull-out from a close-up. It’s PLENTIFUL, let me tell you. So many times, especially during the extended car chases, the camera will start with a wide shot of the car on the road, then zoom in to see the character driving that auto. Immortan Joe seems to show up the most in this cut, too, interestingly, perhaps equating his ugly mug to the grill of the cars he’s driving. There, there’s another essay for me to write.

Be warned, though, this video features scenes from the entirety of the movie so if by some ridiculous chance you haven’t yet seen the movie, then A) you’re weird and must live in a hut in Siberia with working internet, and 2) there will be SPOILERS. Due diligence done. Enjoy!

Mad Max: Fury Road /// Push-Ins, Pull-Outs and Fast-Motion Shots from Jorge Luengo Ruiz on Vimeo.


Mad Max: Fury Road uses in a wonderful way push- ins, pull- outs and fast motion shots.This video is a compilation of all of them.

Director: George Miller

DoP: John Seale

Music: Junkie XL

You can find more of Jorge Luengo Ruiz’s editing majesty on his Vimeo page.

H/T: Slashfilm

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