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You Can Stream the STRANGER THINGS 2 Soundtrack Right Now

Stranger Things 2 is arriving on Netflix October 27, and while that date cannot get here quickly enough, we’ve got something to help make the time pass a bit quicker. The soundtrack is now officially available for streaming on Spotify. As we’ve come to expect, the score is atmospheric, spooky, and full of 80s goodness.

As Pitchfork reports, the score is composed by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein of S U R V I V E, the same people who scored season one. So obviously, the music is what we’ve come to expect. However, the really exciting part is taking a peek at some of the song titles. While there aren’t any blatant spoilers for the season, it does give us a glimpse into what’s to come.

For instance, the third track is called “Eulogy”. That could be referring to the boys mourning Eleven’s disappearance after defeating the demogorgon, it’s probably in reference to Barb. After all, the Duffer brothers have promised us that we’ll see justice for Barb this season. Maybe this track is letting us know that the people of Hawkins are finally going to acknowledge one of their brightest stars has been taken well before her time.

Another big question this season is when will Eleven join back up with Mike and her friends. After all, the Stranger Things 2 trailers have shown Eleven separate from the boys. Looking at the soundtrack titles, one could guess that maybe she won’t join back up with her friends until later in the season. Track 17 is “Eggo in the Snow”, almost certainly a reference to the food Hopper was leaving in the forest for Eleven.

Track 21 is called “She Wants Me to Find Her”. Could that be referring to Eleven laying down breakfast-infused clues to encourage Mike to find her? Obviously, she’s not the only lady on the show, so it’s possible that title is in reference to someone else. However, it does make sense that maybe Eleven comes back from the Upside Down a bit changed. In fact, track 13 is even called “Birth/Rescue”, and could be referring to Eleven being “reborn” in some way.

And even more fun, the final track is called “To Be Continued”. We’re not even to the premiere of Stranger Things 2, and they are ALREADY getting us hyped for Stranger Things 3. But before we get to a third season, we’ll have to wait until October 27 to get the real story on what’s to come in Stranger Things 2. In the mean time, why not give the Stranger Things 2 soundtrack a stream, and let us know what you think of it (and any theories that you have) in the comments!

Images: Netflix

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