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STRANGER THINGS Fan Film Brings the Upside Down to the UK

For two seasons Stranger Things has centered on the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, which is somehow tied to an alternate dimension known as the Upside Down. There’s still a lot we don’t know about that weird place and why it seems to be a dark reflection of our own world. But it stands to reason the other dimension goes far beyond the town limits of Hawkins. And in a new Stranger Things fan film, The 12th Search, the effects of the Upside Down are clearly felt in the United Kingdom…with deadly consequences.

Via io9, The 12th Search was created by Ryan Thompson, and it echoes a few of the big moments from the first season of Stranger Things. In particular, the search for someone named Michael evokes the attempt to find Will Byers after he disappeared into the Upside Down. Two men even stumble upon a portal to the Upside Down within a tree, similar to the one that Nancy and Jonathan found in the woods. But unlike the kids, these men clearly know what they’re looking at.

The bulk of The 12th Search follows a woman who may have accidentally discovered what happened to Michael before coming face-to-face with the real danger. The closing seconds of the video also reveal that the location is near a military research facility in Rendlesham Forest. American fans may not necessarily get the reference, but Rendlesham Forest is known as the Roswell of England. During the ’80s, it was supposedly a hot spot for alien activity. But within the world of this fan film, the aliens may not have been coming from space.

What did you think about The 12th Search? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: Ryan Thompson

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