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Stephen Amell on Set as Casey Jones in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 2

Wow! It didn’t seem all that long ago I was telling you guys that Stephen Amell had been cast as Casey Jones in the sequel to last year’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Being that I do not watch Arrow, I do not have a personal concept of what to expect from Amell. But judging from the crazed fandom I know of, I’d say people will be happy with him in the role. Well, it seems filming has already started and Amell is in full swing with his gig as Jones. Today, both Michael Bay and Amell himself revealed photos of the CW actor in costume and mid-scene as the instructor of Pain 101.


casey-jones-mask-05012015[Image: Stephen Amell]

I have to admit, I’m a little underwhelmed. I understand that Casey Jones isn’t Batman or anything, so seeing the new look isn’t going to be as big of a deal. But, this really feels odd to me. I guess it’s some “purist” feelings that creep in when thinking of the character. I understand Amell needs to keep his hair short for Arrow, but I would have rather they put him in a wig at least, instead of just staying with the shaved head look. The mask maintains the iconic look of Jones, but seems gigantic on Amell. Finally, it is tough to understand what might be happening in the scene, but I am disappointed to see a lack of golf bag with his other weapons in it.

I didn’t exactly have high hopes or expectations for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, but I was happy to find that Casey Jones would appear. This picture doesn’t exactly have me second guessing my initial feeling about the movie, but I’m also willing to wait and see how Amell plays the character before I pass too much judgement on him.

What do you think of Amell’s look? Goongala or Not Goongala? Let us know in the comments below or send one of the two answers over to me on Twitter, @MattDelhauer.

Feature Image: BaderBadruddin

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