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Nerdist Presents

See How THE LAST JEDI Got the Thala-Siren’s Breasts Just Right (Exclusive)

One of the most poignant, most powerful moments in The Last Jedi came when famous Jedi and hero of the galaxy far, far away Luke Skywalker walked up to a massive sea monster, and milked its huge teat so he could drink raw green milk like it was a McDonald’s Shamrock Shake. It was a truly touching scene. However it only had the emotional impact it did because the giant alien cow-thingy known as a thala-siren looked so real, especially its sizable breasts that Mark Hamill got intimate with. That doesn’t happen by accident, though; it takes countless hours of craftsmanship from some of the world’s most talented–and truly hands-on–FX artists. And in this “exclusive” behind-the-scenes video, that inexplicably wasn’t included in the film’s home release, you can see how they got that nipple to look and feel oh-so-perfect.

Nerdist Presents “Creating the Thala-Siren,” an inside look from Lucasfilm’s Senior Creature FX artist Sam Donahue at all of the testing (and tasting) that he did in molding, crafting, and developing the most famous bosom in Star Wars history. Because director Rian Johnson only wanted the best, and that included making sure the mammary of his massive mammal merited Mark Hamill’s admiration.

Beautiful. When you’re caught up in an amazing cinematic moment you don’t think about all of the work that goes into making an alien teat look authentic, but somebody decided on whether it should be soft, hard, scabbed over, or long and thin. No wonder Mark Hamill told our Amy Ratcliffe the thala-siren’s breasts were “realistic.”

No, he really did. We wouldn’t joke around about something as serious as Luke Skywalker milking a space monster for its milk. Would we?

What do you think? Were the thala-siren’s breasts perfect? Did the nipple protrude just enough? Did the milk look authentic? We’re eager to drink up your thoughts on this very sincere topic in the comments below.

Featured image: Lucasfilm




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