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STAR WARS REBELS Movie is Headed to ABC with Bonus Darth Vader

Star Wars Rebels debuted last week with a one hour movie called “Spark of Rebellion” (read our recap/review), and a whopping 6.5 million viewers tuned in to see the latest chapter of the Star Wars saga. And now? Rebels is going primetime. ABC will re-air “Spark of Rebellion” on Sunday, October 26th, at 7:00pm ET/PT. That means the movie will get in front of new viewers, and this time it will have some bonus Sith action in the form of Darth Vader.

We’ve already met a couple of villains in Rebels, including Agent Kallus and the formidable Inquisitor, but they can’t hold a candle to Vader. Sorry boys, it’s just not possible. I had a hunch Vader would show up in the series eventually, but I expected him to be saved for special occasions – like Wookiee Life Day. It’s a big deal for him to pop up so soon, but in a press release, executive producer Dave Filioni says, “We wanted to do something special for the ABC broadcast. We’ve added a scene which gives audiences insight into the Inquisitor and includes a cameo by Darth Vader voiced by the distinguished actor James Earl Jones.”

Vader and James Earl Jones?! That sound you just heard was millions of voices crying out in joy.

As excited as I am to see Vader in the Rebels world (I can’t wait to see what the animation style looks like on him!), I hope he stays out of the series for a while after this initial appearance. In this case, he’s a character best used sparingly because we need to get to know the other bad guys.

How do you feel about Darth Vader appearing so early on in Star Wars Rebels? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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  1. pretty irritated that I spent the money on Amazon to buy the episode that was made available without the Vader scene.

  2. The logical, reasonable part of me agrees that Vader should definitely be in the series (obvious given the timeline), but used sparingly and probably shouldn’t appear any sooner than the season finale at the absolute earliest.

    The part of me that acknowledges the fact that Darth Vader is my favorite character of all time, of any medium is too excited over his appearance and being voiced by JEJ himself to care.

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  4. Jack says:
