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Watch this LEGO AT-ST Get Crushed in Slow Motion

All the way back in May, we brought you a story about a slow motion video which featured the guys and gals over at WIRED destroying a Super Star Destroyer made out of LEGOs. Well, the gang is at it again but this time, they set out to not only destroy a major Star Wars LEGO piece, but recreated a scene from one of the movies while doing it. Using some ingenuity, and a little movie magic, WIRED recreated the shot from Return of the Jedi in which the Ewoks destroyed an Imperial AT-ST walker by crushing it between two logs. Take a look at the video to see their version of the scene, as well as all the prep work that went into making it a reality.

Let’s face it, Ewoks were never all that popular among Star Wars fans (Editor’s Note: hey NOT ALL OF US HATE EWOKS cough). Kevin Smith voiced the popular opinion among fans in his movie Clerks when he claimed that all Return of the Jedi had was “a bunch of Muppets” as its main selling point. It has also been widely documented that Return of the Jedi suffered the most from George Lucas’ decision to focus primarily on merchandising rather than storytelling when it came to Star Wars. What people seem to forget, though, is that those bunch of Muppets managed to decimate a large number of Imperial forces with nothing more than weapons and traps fashioned out of whatever they could find in the forest. When Schwarzenegger did this in Predator we deemed him an action movie icon, but for some reason when the Ewoks do the same thing they are considered the worst part of Star Wars canon. I guess it is true what they say; you can’t be cute and badass at the same time.

What do you think of the latest LEGO destruction? Let us know in the comments below!

HT/Images: WIRED

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