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Play STAR WARS Holochess for Free on iOS (But Maybe Not with Wookiees)

For over forty years, the only strategy we’ve known for Star Wars holochess is to “let the Wookiee win.” Within the Star Wars universe, the game is known as Dejarik, and it has been played for centuries. Last year, fans who were willing to pay $200 for Star Wars: Jedi Challenges got to play Dejarik. But now, everyone who owns an Apple device can get in on the fun.

Via Mashable, Dejarik is now available in the iOS app store (look for Star Wars: Jedi Challenges), and it can be downloaded for iPhones and iPads. Players take control of a team of monsters positioned on a board in the game. When you move your monsters into attack formation, the battles play out in the holographic arena, as seen in this clip from A New Hope.

Dejarik has appeared numerous times in continuity, including in  Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and even briefly during Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The creatures in the game are said to be based on monsters real and imaginary from across the galaxy, including the K’lor’slug, Grimtaash the Molator, the Monnok, and the Kintan strider among others.

For this incarnation of the game, Dejarik will be played on six different planets across 18 levels in all, with additional monsters who can be unlocked as the game progresses. If you happen to play with any Wookiees, you know the drill.

Are you excited to finally play the Star Wars holochess game? Let us know in the comment section below!

Image: Disney Electronic Content

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